FROZEN INSTAGRAM (12 most-viewed Instagram reels of all time + Special mention)


13 handgemachte Scans
13 Skulpturen, C-Prints in Epoxidharz gegossen, 24cm x 17cm x 0,75cm
Performancevideo, HD, Farbe, 16:9, Stereo, 4 min 31 sec
Videoaninanimation, HD, Farbe, 16:9, 5 min 54 sec

Das Augansmaterial der Werkgruppe FROZEN INSTAGRAM sind die Videos des Archivs 12 most-viewed Instagram reels of all time + Special mention aus dem Jahr 2023, welches in den sozialen Netzwerken kursiert. Während einer Performance wird jedes Video mit einem mobilen Hand-Scanner eingescannt.
Die somit entstandenen 13 handgemachten Scans wurden auf Fotopapier belichtet und eine Silikon-Form des eingescannten Smartphones in UV-beständiges Epoxidharz gegossen. Desweiteren werden die 13 eingefrorenen Bewegtbilder in einer Videoanimation nacheinander gezeigt.

13 handmade scans
13 Sculptures, C-prints in resin, 24cm x 17cm x 0,75cm
Performancevideo, HD, Farbe, 16:9, Stereo, 4 min 31 sec
Videoaninanimation, HD, Farbe, 16:9, 5 min 54 sec

The used material of the work group FROZEN INSTAGRAM are the videos from the archive 12 most-viewed Instagram reels of all time + Special mention from 2023, which is circulating in social networks. During a performance, each video is scanned with a mobile hand-held scanner.
The resulting 13 handmade scans were exposed on photo paper and cast in UV-resistant epoxy resin in a silicone mold of the scanned smartphone. Furthermore, the 13 frozen moving images are shown one after the other in a video animation.




FROZEN INSTAGRAM (12 most-viewed Instagram reels of all time + Special mention)
13 handmade scans
Sculptures, C-prints in resin, 24cm x 17cm x 0,75cm
Performancevideo, HD, Farbe, 16:9, Stereo, 4 min 31 sec
Installation view, mom art space, Hamburg




FROZEN INSTAGRAM #01 (Learn from Khaby)




FROZEN INSTAGRAM #02 (Not all kids are fun)




FROZEN INSTAGRAM #03 (Blink & Express by Shivanjali Porje)




FROZEN INSTAGRAM #04 (Learn from Khaby Lame)




FROZEN INSTAGRAM #05 (I had the impression the fish was still alive)




FROZEN INSTAGRAM #06 (iamzalatanimrahimovic by Khaby Lame)




FROZEN INSTAGRAM #07 (One word – Happiness)



FROZEN INSTAGRAM #08 (Who said 3 blind mice can’t #glitch by Aubrey Fisher)




FROZEN INSTAGRAM #09 (LOL! Open the door this way)




FROZEN INSTAGRAM #10 (GTA with dog by krishhhhnna)




FROZEN INSTAGRAM #11(Batman-maintenance-team)




FROZEN INSTAGRAM #12 (‘Runaway Aurora’ with dog)




FROZEN INSTAGRAM #13 (Me gusta la Pepsi servida con precisión)




FROZEN INSTAGRAM (12 most-viewed Instagram reels of all time + Special mention)
Installation view, hinterconti, Hamburg




FROZEN INSTAGRAM (12 most-viewed Instagram reels of all time + Special mention)
Videoaninanimation, HD, Farbe, 16:9, 5 min 54 sec




FROZEN INSTAGRAM (12 most-viewed Instagram reels of all time + Special mention)
Performancevideo, HD, Farbe, 16:9, Stereo, 4 min 31 sec












© Stefan Mildenberger / VG Bildkunst